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Alexander Graham Bell, inventor Phone

Posted by Jibril on Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Currently, communication between people more easily because the already existing telephone facilities which are very helpful in everyday life. And who was most instrumental figure behind the telephone invention? He was Alexander Graham Bell who first discovered this communication tool.
Bell was born on March 3, 1847 in Edinburgh, Scotland. Bell comes from a family who is very concerned with education. His father is a psychologist and elocution named Alexander Melville Bell, Alexander Bell, while his grandfather was a professor elucution.
After completing his studies at the University of Edinburgh and University College in London, Bell decided to make into his father's assistant. He helps people with disabilities hearing to learn to speak with a method that has been adopted by his father, which considering the position of the lips and tongue speaker.
By the time he settled in London, Bell had learned about an experiment conducted by Hermann Ludwig von Helmholtz form of the tuning fork and the magnet which can produce a loud sound. Later in 1865, Bell studied more in depth about the sound coming out of his mouth when speaking.
Bell increasingly interested in all things related to sound, so he does not mind when it came to teach at Sarah Fuller, of Boston, which is a special school of the deaf in 1870, other than that Bell also worked as a tutor. And when he was appointed professor of psychology at Boston University in 1873, Bell held a special meeting for the teachers who deal with students who have hearing disabilities.
Bell spent nearly his entire life time to deal with educational problems disabled people who are hearing and even then he founded the American Association to Promote the Theahing of Speech to the Deaf.
Bell began to do research by using phonatograph, multiple telegraph and electric speaking telegraph from 1873 to 1976 funded by the two fathers of his pupils. One fund is the Gardiner Hubbard persons who have a daughter named Mabel deaf ears, this is the woman who would later become his wife Bell.

Bell later expressed his desire to create a means of communication with the transmission of electric waves. Bell also invites his friend Thomas Watson for helping provide equipment. His research carried out by using voice control and magnets to deliver sound that will be sent, this event occurred on June 2, 1875.
Finally, Bell's work created a telephone receiver and transmitter that looks black in the form of a thin plate that is placed in front of the electromagnet. New on February 14, 1876 Bell patented his invention, but by the U.S. Patent Office this invention a new Bell officially patented on March 7 for "electric speaking telephone."
Bell continues to update his findings and for the first time he has managed to deliver a sentence reads, "Watson, come here, I want you" on March 10, 1876.

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