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History of computer viruses

Posted by Jibril on Saturday, April 28, 2012

First time computer viruses are created simultaneously with the computer. In 1949, one of the creators of computers, John von Newman, who created the Electronic Discrete Variable Automatic Computer (EDVAC), presented a paper entitled "Theory and Organization of Complicated Automata". In his paper discussed the possibility of a program that can spread by itself. The development of computer viruses subsequently occurred at AT & T Bell Laboratory one computer lab in the world which has resulted in many things, such as C and C + + .1 In this laboratory, circa 1960's, every time off the researchers to make a game with a program that can destroy the ability
to correct itself and behind the opponent's attack position. In addition, the game program can reproduce itself automatically. War of the program is called Core War, the winner is the owner of the largest remaining programs within a certain time interval. Because aware of the dangers of the program, especially if the laboratory is leaking out, then every game is completed, the program is always destroyed. Sometime in the 1970s, Xerox introduced a program that is used to help the smooth working. The structure resembles a virus program, but this program is to utilize as much time as possible and at the same time two tasks can be performed. In the 1980s, the war began with the virus in the world open up the exposure Fred Cohen, a researcher and assistant professor at the University of Cincinnati, Ohio. In his presentation, Fred also demonstrates the creation of a program, which is a virus that can spread rapidly on a computer. While the virus evolves, Indonesia also exposed to the virus outbreak began. The first computer virus was spreading in Indonesia also inin 1988. Viruses are so shocked the whole computer users in Indonesia, then, is © Brain virus known as viral Pakistan.Understanding Computer VirusesThe term computer virus was familiar to computer users today. In fact, about 12 years ago, this term has been recognized by the computer user community. Finally, in 1988, articles appeared in the media that with the incessant preaching about a new threat for computer users who later became known as 'computer virus'. Virus found on computer is just a regular program, as appropriate other programs. But there is a fundamental difference on computer viruses and other programs. Virus created by someone with goals vary, but generally the virus makers just want to pursue fame and also just for the sake of pleasure alone. But if someone makes a virus with the aim of damaging the coursewill confuse the computers ditularinya.Ability Basic Computer VirusGeneral definition of computer virus is a computer program that is usually small size can cause disruption or damage to computer systems and have some basic skills, including:The ability to reproduce themselvesNamely the ability to create duplicates itself to files or disks that have not ditularinya, so that over time the region more widely spread.The ability to hide themselvesNamely the ability to hide itself from the user's attention, among other things the following ways:a. Facing the output to the screen for the virus worked, so the virus does not seem work by the user.b. Virus programs are placed outside track2 made DOS (eg track 41)c. The size of the virus was made as small as possible so as not to attract suspicion.Ability to conduct manipulationRoutine manipulation actually not too important. But this is often disturbing. This routine is usually made to:a. Make an appearance or a disturbing message on the screenb. Replacing the diskette volume labelc. Damage the structure of the disk, deleting filesd. Disrupting the work tools of I / O, such as keyboards and printersThe ability to obtain informationNamely the ability to obtain information about the structure of the storage media such as the location of the original boot record, partition table layout, the location FAT3, the position of a file, and so on.The ability to check for the existence itselfBefore menyusipi suati check the presence of the virus file itself in the file that the search for an ID (identification) itself in that file. Files that have not been infected with a virus certainly does not contain the ID of the virus in question. This capability prevents the infiltration of many times on a same file.2.4 Types of computer virusesThe following will discuss the types of viruses that the authors conclude from various sources, both sources of information and sources from the internet.2.4.1 Based Technique Makinga. Viruses are created by compilerIs a virus that can be executed because it is a virus that has been compiled so it can be executed directly. This type of virus is a virus that first emerged in the computer world, and until now growing rapidly. This type of virus usually made with low-level programming language called assembler, because by using the assembler program that produced smaller and faster, so it is suitable to make a virus. But it is also possible to create a virus using other programming languages ​​like C and Pascal both DOS and Windows environment.Perhaps this type of virus is the most difficult viruses to be made but because it is made by using a programming language and machine language form of the hallmarks of this virus is capable of doing almost all the manipulations in which it can not always be done by another type of virus because it is more limited.b. Macro VirusesMany people mistakenly with this strain, they assume that the Macro virus is a virus found on the Microsoft Word program. Indeed, almost all macro virus is a virus found Microsoft Word. Macro viruses are real viruses that utilize modular programming facilities in a particular application program such as Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft PowePoint, Corel WordPerfect, and so on. The purpose of this modular programming facilities is to provide convenience and create a shortcut forthe application. Unfortunately this function is used by virus makers to create a virus in the application. Although the virus is contained within a particular application but the danger posed no less berbahanya of other viruses.c. Virus Script / BatchAt first this virus better known because the first batch of virus present in the batch file contained in the DOS, now this has turned into a script. Virus scripts usually are often obtained from the Internet because of the benefits of flexible and can run when we play on the internet, this type of virus usually stay in the HTML file (Hype Text Markup Language) is created by using scripts such as Javascript, VBScript, 4 or a combination of script enable Active-X programs from Microsoft Internet Explorer.Based on the performeda. Boot Sector VirusBoot Sector Virus is a virus that utilizes gate the relationship between computers and storage media as a place to transmit the virus. If the boot sector there is a program that is able to spread themselves and be able to stay in memory for computer work, then the program can be called a virus. Boot sector virus that is two and a virus that attacks the virus that attacks the floppy disk and partition table.b. Virus FileThe virus file is a virus that memafaatkan a file that can be processed directly in the DOS editor, such as files ending in COM, EXE, multiple overlay files, and batch files. Viruses generally do not have the ability to strike at all of the file. The virus files can also be based on or not tingga in memory.c. Virus SystemVirus is a virus that utilizes the system files used to create a computer system. An example is a file with extension SYS, IBMBIO.COM files, IBMDOS.COM, or COMMAND.COM.d. Hybrid VirusesThis virus is a virus that has two abilities can usually get into the boot sector and can also go into the file. One example of this virus is a virus Mystic made in Indonesia.e. Viruses Windows RegistryThese viruses infect the operating system using Windows 95/98/NT usually the infection and manipulation in the Windows registry for the registry is a place to accommodate all the information the computer hardware or software. So every time we run Windows then the virus will be run by the registry.f. Virus Program ApplicationThis virus is a Macro virus, infecting data on a particular application program. This new virus will be in action when we run the program and open the application data that contains a virus.Based on the distribution mediaa. The spread of the physical mediaMedia is meant to be floppy disks, CD-ROM (Compact Disc Read Only Memory), hard disk, and so on. For CD-ROM, although this medium can not be read but there is the possibility of a CD-ROM containing a specific virus, although unlikely, but along with the development tools on the market CD-R/CD-RW the possibility of a virus in the CD-ROM will also increased. For now this type of virus that became dominant from all existing viruses. This virus will be transmitted on a computer that still has not contracted in the event access to the file / media that contain viruses, followed by accessing the file / media that is still clean, it can also by accessing the file / media are still clean the computer's memory while there is active virus.b. The spread of the Internet MediaLately viruses that spread by the media is more and more, the virus is usually spread via e-mail or at the time we download a file containing the virus. Also there are some viruses that will automatically spread itself via e-mail if your computer has a connection to the Internet

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